New Delhi: In the latest episode of Bigg Boss OTT, a lot of drama went down with Karan Johar hosting the Sunday Ka Vaar episode. But along with the drama, there was also sadness as one of the contestants was eliminated from the show. 

The episode started with a celebration on the occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi. As part of Sunday’s episode, Nishant Bhat had choreographed a whole dance routine which was performed by the housemates to honour Lord Ganesha.

The celebration didn’t end there for the housemates as a gift hamper filled with modaks and other sweets was waiting for the contestants in another room. Karan Johar requested Raqesh Bapat to collect the hamper for the house.

Karan Johar usually has words of wisdom for the contestants or tough love to give. However, this time he came with compliments and that too for Divya Agarwal which was shocking considering the tussle the duo had on the very first Sunday Ka Vaar.

The director then reprimanded Raqesh Bapat for claiming that men are physically stronger than women. He called Raqesh’s comment ‘sexist’ and said he had to call him out. Moose Jattana had also criticised Raqesh for his comment earlier.

Raqesh tried to defend himself by saying that he comes from a house of women and knows their strengths, however, he gets shot down by Johar.

Karan also asked Shamita Shetty about her relationship with Raqesh. The actress discussed how Bapat had drastically changed over the past week. The duo had been facing issues in the past few days which left them both in low spirits.


Later, singers and siblings Neha Kakkar and Tony Kakkar graced the Bigg Boss OTT stage to promote their new song Kanta Laga.


Then came the time for elimination which left everyone in a nervous fit. Karan Johar revealed that Neha Bhasin and Moose Jattana had received the least votes from the audiences. The housemates were then asked to vote for the contestant they want to save. While Raqesh, Shamita and Pratik voted for Neha Bhasin to be in the house, Nishant and Divya voted for Moose.


This led to Moose Jattana’s eviction from the house on Sunday (September 12).

For more updates, stay connected and watch this space for fresh content related to Bigg Boss OTT. 

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