New Delhi: Bigg Boss OTT is only a day away and excitement is soaring high as fans await the Karan Johar digital exclusive! While the makers had confirmed Neha Bhasin, Akshara Singh, Zeeshan Khan, Ridhima Pandit, Raqesh Bapat, Karan Nath as contestants, there is strong buzz hinting that actors Arjun Bijlani and Karan Wahi will also feature on the show. 

In a new promo shared on the streaming platform Voot app, we’re introduced to two dashing men and fans believe they closely resemble Arjun Bijlani and Karan Wahi. In fact, Karan Wahi even confirmed fans’ suspicion when he shared a picture from the Bigg Boss set on his Instagram on Saturday night. 

Check out his post:


Arjun Biljani entered the television industry with Ekta Kapoor’s show Kartika. Later, he starred in Left Right Left, Miley Jab Hum Tum, Meri Aashiqui Tum Se Hi, Naagin, Kavach and several other shows amassing a huge fan base. 

On the other hand, Karan Wahi is popularly known for his role in the show Remix in 2004. Next, he starred in another immensely popular show Dill Mill Gayye and gained even more prominence in the industry.

This is the first time the reality show will have a special digital segment. After the completion of the digital exclusive, the show will move seamlessly into Colors with the launch of Season 15 of ‘Bigg Boss’.

What’s even more interesting is that viewers will have total access to the doings of the contestants as with 24×7 direct camera footage.

The show will air on Sunday (August 8) at 8 pm. It will be hosted by director Karan Johar for the first six weeks. Then from Monday-Saturday, the episodes will air at 7 pm on Voot and on Sunday, at 8 pm.

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