New Delhi: Bigg Boss OTT contestants Neha Bhasin, Shamita Shetty and Divya Agarwal were in spotlight in the house after the ‘dirty underwear’ incident resurfaced. Both Shamita and Neha were seen lashing out at Divya for her reaction and talking about the incident with every housemate in the house. However, Divya continued to defend herself saying she shouldn’t be called out over the incident as it was about hygiene. 

On the Wednesday episode, we witnessed media going inside the Bigg Boss house and asking some hard-hitting questions from the housemates. Media persons questioned Divya on several issues, from being ‘bossy’ to maintaining ‘hygiene’ in the house. They even questioned her for making a fuss out of Neha’s unwashed underwear lying near the sink area, while herself being a woman. She is then tagged as a ‘mysogynist’ for her actions by the journo. 

Neha interrupts in between and asks Divya to be apologetic for it. Shamita too chips in here and says, ‘That’s my issue, that she doesn’t agree when she is wrong.”

There is a heated argument between Neha, Divya and Shamita over. Later, Pratik too gets into a fight with Divya for her stand. However, Divya justifies saying her comment on Neha’s underwear was about cleanliness and it has nothing to do with the gender issues.

During the heated argument, Divya calls Neha a ‘fu****g idiot’, after which Neha too calls her the same. At this time, Shamita asks her to ‘keep her arrogance to herself,” which further infuriates Divya. 

It is to be noted that earlier Gauahar Khan had taken to Twitter and hit out at Divya for her remarks. “Leaving an unwashed undergarment for the first time out is a mistake, as a girl urself , how can u make it so embarrassing for another girl ???? Calling it disgusting n making it public n causing a girl so much embarrassment on something so intimate, very sad . #sick,” Bigg Boss 7 winner Gauahar Khan tweeted. 



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