New Delhi: After some of morning shows of Shah Rukh Khan’s Pathaan were cancelled in some parts of Indore after protests from a couple of groups demanding the screening to be stalled, the shows have been resumed in these theatres from 3 pm bringing cheer to audiences of that area. The information has also come up that people are now queuing up in hoards to see the action entertainer that has become the talk of the nation!  

The most awaited film in Indian cinema after a long time, ‘Pathaan’, is being screened in 8000 screens (Domestic – 5,500 Screens, Overseas – 2,500 Screens) worldwide across Hindi, Tamil & Telugu formats. ‘Pathaan’ is part of Aditya Chopra’s ambitious spy universe and has the biggest superstars of the country Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone and John Abraham in it.  

The hype around ‘Pathaan’ is unprecedented. All the assets of the film that YRF has released so far have turned out to be super-hits right from the teaser, the two songs – Besharam Rang & Jhoome Jo Pathaan – and the recently dropped trailer that has caused an internet meltdown! 

Another huge reason for the buzz around the film is because two of the biggest megastars of the country Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone are teaming up in Yash Raj Films’ Pathaan. They are one of the most-loved on-screen pairings in Indian cinema, given their blockbusters Om Shanti Om, Chennai Express and Happy New Year. 

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