New Delhi: Actor Anupam Shyam passed away on Sunday (August 8) due to multiple organ failures. The news was confirmed on social media by filmmaker Ashok Pandit and journalist Anupam K Singh. They expressed their condolences on Twitter with a heartfelt message. 

Ashok Pandit wrote, “Sad to know about the demise of one of the finest actors & a great human being #AnupamShyam due to multiple organ failure. My heartfelt condolences to his family. A great loss to the film & tv industry.”

Check out their tweets:

The actor rose to fame by playing villainous roles in several popular films. He starred as Thakur Sajjan Singh in the show Mann Kee Awaaz Pratigya. Other popular films of his include  Nayak, Dubai Return, Parzania, Lajja, Hazaaron Khwaishein Aisi, Shakti: The Power, and Bandit Queen. 

It’s a lesser-known fact but the actor had acted in the critically-acclaimed film Slumdog Millionaire in 2008. He starred in other international films after this as well.

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